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Can eating a collagen-packed cookie be as beneficial to your skin as using sunscreen or a serum? The answer is a resounding yes! Meet Chiara Seidenader, Founder & CEO of Beauty Treats, the latest (and tastiest) superfood on the block changing the way we look and snack for good

Our second beauty entrepreneur of the week is Chiara Seidenader, Founder & CEO of Beauty Treats, a cookie that works on your health and beauty from the inside-out. Passionate about nutrition and fitness, Chiara moved to Dubai from Italy in 2018 in need of a change, and with a desire to expand her experience in the wellness industry. In 2020, Chiara was diagnosed Chron’s disease, so she began to study the realm of nutraceuticals, supplements, functional medicine and nutrition and found that collagen was the main thing that supported her digestive issues. This is how the story of the collagen infused keto and gluten-free cookies Beauty Treats began! Full of collagen, superfoods and spices, the collagen packed cookies are gluten-free, keto, low in calorie and downright delicious.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I wake up at 7am, workout and meditate. I do most of my tough work in the morning then go for meetings late morning or early afternoon. I then catch up with friends around sunset for a walk or outdoor activity and I always eead a book before night time.

What do you love most about your job?

I love it because I realized that this is not my job. It’s my purpose. It’s my mission to educate the next generations about clean healthy food. About prevention rather than treatment. So many diseases, chronic pains and illnesses can be fixed through the right approach to food and supplementation. Mindful nutrition is as important as natural beauty. Collagen has not only helped fix my gut but also my skin (I had loads of acne!) along with diminishing my first wrinkles. If we manage to step away from mass production, preservatives and refined sugars, as well as botox and fillers and cosmetic surgery, we can understand how to feel and look better in our body. We can also be much more inspiring for future generations.

How often should we eat Beauty Treats? One a day? A week?

First and foremost - Beauty Treats are a clean snack. Depending on your own recommendation calories per day, you can eat as many as you want! They are much healthier than any mass produced snack as they are free of refined sugars, chemicals, preservatives and anything artificial. They are keto and gluten-free and will not to spike your glucose levels, hence they lower your cravings and leave you satiated without wanting for more.

Each cookie is packed with 4 grams of collagen peptides, which is the daily minimum recommended amount to support the youthfulness of your skin, hair, nails and gut. There’s no risk of over consumption as collagen is a protein (the most abundant one in our body) but unfortunately it diminishes as we age. The intake amount varies from sex and body type, but is recommended to consume between 4 to 20 grams per day.

How did you come up with the recipe for the cookies?

I started baking them at home! Then my friends were like 'hey but this idea is awesome, why don’t you start a business?' And here we are fast forward one year later. Each recipe combines my favorite superfoods. The ones I can’t live without every day: matcha, spirulina, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, chia seeds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, dark chocolate, pink pitaya, vanilla and raw cacao.

Each of them has powerful antioxidant properties that help our cells fight the natural oxidative process and ensure longevity.

Can the cookies be enjoyed at any time of the day or is it best to enjoy them in the morning?

Every time you crave something nasty and unhealthy - that is the time! Many customers snack on them in their office time as they are singularly packed (easy to carry around), others have them in the morning with their yogurt or coffee. Most I have to say love them in the evening instead of their fried chips or usual sugar filled cookies! It’s a clean treat that leaves you guilt-free.

What are the key ingredients in the cookies and how does eating them help our hair, skin, and digestive system?

Each cookie is filled with bovine hydrolyzed collagen peptides type I and III. It’s the best form that can easily be absorbed in our blood stream and guarantees for the right collagen replenishment. Since end of our 20s our own body’s collagen supply starts dropping, and the same way we supplement with other vital supplements (like Omega 3 and multivatimns), if we want to delay the ageing process, let us take collagen instead of botox! And for those of you who don’t know yet, botox only stretches our wrinkles, it does not delay our ageing process, which collagen does. So let’s rather work for prevention right?

The cookies are keto-friendly and gluten free, are they low in calorie too?

Absolutely! Depending on the flavor, each cookie goes from 140 up to 170kcal. So half those you usually find in a normal cookies, and usually less of those you find in a protein bar (that are also usually filled with preservatives and hidden sugars). The cookies are a response to what I wanted more for my own diet. A treat that is tasty without overindulging in calories.

What is the best age to start eating Beauty Treats?

End of your 20s. Or any time you start seeing that your nails are brittle, skin is loosing elasticity, you are losing more hair or you have digestive issues.

Your top 5 tips for great skin at any age are?

  1. Cleanse daily

  2. Apply sunscreen daily

  3. Eat nutrient rich foods.

  4. Drink up to 3 liters of water a day to keep the skin hydrated

  5. Eat 4-15 grans of collagen peptides a day

Chiara's Nine to Five...

• My alarm goes off at: 7am

• The first thing I do is: Brush my teeth, wash my face and workout

• For breakfast I like to eat: Greek yogurt with all the superfoods mentioned above and more! Spirulina, matcha, my immunity Ginger&Turmeric Golden Spread (a new Beauty Treats we just launched!), cinnamon, dark chocolate, blueberries, collagen powder, almonds and flaxseeds in rotation with other nuts and seeds

• My daily wardrobe always consists of: Sneakers and white t-shirt.

• Every day I always log onto: Instagram

• My daily exercise regime is: Walks

• I always eat lunch… Combining protein and veggies

• In my downtime I… Love to read

• Every day I always… Eat cookies!

• I spend my evenings: Finishing emails or reading a book. I will only watch TV with friends or boyfriend, rarely on my own.

• Before I go to bed I: Meditate (guided meditation from MindValley app)

• I am most happy when… I see I am inspiring people to live better and learn more about (and apply!) mindful nutrition. Also, I am most happy with a glass of red in front of our beautiful Dubai sunsets!

For more information visit


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