by Liberty Gelderloos
The period is also known as our 5th vital sign and is constantly telling us about our health.
It tells us how much or how little our bodies like how we are treating it. Our bodies are intelligent, and we must look at everything in our lifestyle, such as diet, exercise, toxins we are exposed to, sleep hygiene, stress, and proper period care.
Proper period care is why it is essential to use products such as period panties or menstrual cups, and why I advocate them to all of my clients. Not only for the environmental impact but also because it is important to let the period flow and not plug it.
Many women think they are healthy. They look “healthy,” eat “healthy,” but when you ask them about their periods, they say it sucks, and they are in so much pain, thinking that it is a separate thing. The bottom line is that if you are having pain during your period, you are not in optimal health.
What Is Your Period Telling You?
I use an eastern way of analyzing your period and look for imbalances based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Many common symptoms are normalized; I would like you to understand that common does not equal normal.
For example:
It is common to have pain, but it is not normal; this is a sign of stagnation in your body. Irregular cycles are also widespread and are either a sign of stagnation or uterine fatigue, depending on if it is a long or short cycle. Brown blood is another stagnation imbalance that is a common occurrence but not normal. Irregular discharge is a sign of dampness, and infections are a sign of excess heat.
We strive for a standard healthy cycle, of course, we are not cookie-cutter, and everyone may not completely fit into this exact picture, but we strive to get it as close as we can.
A standard healthy menstrual cycle looks like this:
• The length of the menstrual cycle is 28-31 days because we are meant to cycle with the moon, and the average moon cycle is 29 days.
• Ovulation happening around days 14-16
• The period length is 3-4 days of fresh red blood with no brown at the beginning or end and no other colors.
• There should be no pain or other PMS symptoms such as mood swings, acne, back pain, fatigue, etc.
What can we do about it?
It is important to look at the body as a whole. Lifestyle factors such as diet, stress, mental health, emotional trauma, exercise etc. I address these in my consultations along with womb steaming.
I know it sounds pretty out there, but it has a very rich universal history.
Before I go any further, I would like to compare it to Marmite……….
People either love the idea of womb steaming and are open to it or hate the idea and will find any excuse to shoot it down.
That being said, if this resonates with you, I invite you to explore further with me.
It is also known as vaginal steaming a term coined by Gwyneth Paltrow, womb steaming, yoni steaming and pelvic steaming.
Maybe you heard all the hype back when it was on the Goop website in 2015, or when Chrissy Teigen steamed after giving birth. I surely missed both of those events but wish I had found out about this beautiful practice sooner, as it has since changed my life.
My steam story:
I suffered from chronic bacterial infections and had basically given up on finding a permanent solution, as the antibiotics and depositories that the Gyno prescribed messed with my PH. Yes, they killed the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria, something was always off, and the infection always came back.
In early 2018, I was listening to a podcast, and Keli Garza, the owner of Steamy Chick, was a guest speaker talking about vaginal steaming and its benefits. I remember thinking that it sounded a bit out there, but my ears pricked up when I heard her mention infections and how steaming could help.
I did my research despite all the negative information on a google search, I was ready to try anything to find relief, so I started steaming once a week on Friday as a sort of self-care practice. Since that very first steam, I have not had an infection in over 4 years, I used to get 4-5 infections per year. I also stopped getting cramps before my period and noticed that I had fewer mood swings.
This was such an amazing improvement that I was completely sold and started talking about it with every woman I knew. I quickly realized that many women like me were suffering in silence after going the conventional route, trying every option the Gyno presented them with no success.
Benefits of steaming:
This practice is an ancient path to pain-free menstruation, fertility, labor prep, postpartum care, menopause relief, clearing infections, regulating irregular cycles, and other benefits, done with a certified practitioner. It is an entirely safe and natural therapy.
Yoni Steaming has a lengthy and well-documented history in over 70 countries throughout Africa, Eurasia, Oceania, and the Americas. This is how women have been healing their gynecological issues since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, it was almost completely lost with the rise of modern-day gynecology. It is currently still used in South Korea, where they have dedicated spas; nearly every woman steams after her period for basic upkeep. They also use steaming in hospitals integrated with modern medicine and see amazing results, specifically with cervical cancer.
I believe every woman can benefit from steaming, whether dealing with a specific issue or just using it as a self-care practice to connect to their womb space. I am especially passionate about introducing steaming to young girls (menarche) who are just starting on their menstruation journey. It can completely change their experience of their moon time, which will benefit them throughout their entire lives and prevent complications.
Steaming is an empowering form of therapy women can do at home to be proactive about their health. Many critics say that our uterus is self-cleansing, and they are right, but so are our colon, liver, and other organs. It doesn’t mean they always work 100%. This is why there is medicine to help, be that natural or pharmaceutical; it is up to the person to do their research and decide what resonates with them.
Lastly, I invite you to read this blog by Dr. Laurena White an OB/GYN with a specialization in reproductive endocrinology and acupuncture, where she discusses the top arguments against steaming.
If any of this resonates with you, feel free to contact me. I am happy to have a chat if you are curious and want to know more.
I offer consultations to guide you on your journey to uterine health and vitality as well as steam supplies so you can steam in the comfort of your own home.
For more information:
Liberty Gelderloos
Website: www.sheisliberty.com
Whatsapp: +971 50 565 2971
Instagram: @sheisliberty