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#LifeLessons // The Biggest Life Learnings Of Harriet Mandak

#LifeLessons - Harriet Mandak - the biggest life learnings from a woman in our community

NAME: Harriet Mandak

AGE: 39

INSTAGRAM HANDLE: @harriet_mandak / @theconnected_collective

JOB TITLE: Holistic Life Coach, RTT Practitioner, and Founder of The Connected Collective


Harriet Mandak is a Holistic Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Motherhood Studies & Fair Play Practitioner, and Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner. As the founder of The Connected Collective, a wellness community and retreat business based in Dubai, her work is centred around helping women cut through the noise, come home to themselves, and reconnect with their inherent worth. Through coaching, retreats, corporate workshops, and tools like her Core Values Deck, Harriet support women in transforming limiting beliefs, reclaiming their identity, and creating fulfilling, purpose-driven lives.


 Let's discover Harriet's biggest life lessons to-date:


#LIFELESSON – 1 Know What Belongs in Your Hoop

One of the most freeing lessons I’ve learned is understanding what belongs to me - and what doesn’t. I often use the analogy of walking through life with invisible hoops around us. In our hoop are our emotions, beliefs, values, and experiences. But throughout the day, we either jump into other people's hoops or let them toss their emotions, opinions, and projections into ours. Without realising it, we end up carrying feelings that aren’t even ours to hold.

The shift came when I learned to recognise what belonged in my hoop and what didn’t. I practised lovingly and compassionately handing back what wasn’t mine. This wasn’t about avoiding responsibility or dismissing others' feelings; it was about protecting my emotional energy so I could show up with genuine empathy and presence. When we stop taking ownership of others' stuff, we find more peace and clarity. It’s a practice I continue daily - and a lesson that has been truly life-changing.



#LIFELESSON – 2: Anchor Yourself in Your Core Values

Discovering my core values was one of the hardest yet most rewarding journeys I’ve ever been on. As women, we grow up surrounded by noise: who we should be, how we should act, and what should matter to us. I found it nearly impossible at first to peel away those layers and hear my own voice. But when I finally did the work to identify what truly fulfils me, everything shifted.

Values are like an internal compass - they guide us when life feels overwhelming and help us make decisions aligned with who we truly are. Knowing my values gave me permission to stop chasing goals that didn’t feel right and to start building a life that did. It gave me clarity on why certain relationships felt nourishing while others drained me. If you’ve never sat down and explored your core values, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s not just self-awareness - it’s self-liberation.



#LIFELESSON – 3: We’re All Little Children in Big Bodies

Having my first daughter at 33 was the beginning of a journey that led me to where I am today. A huge part of that was accepting that my triggers didn’t come from external events or people - they were already inside me, rooted in my childhood experiences and unmet needs. Yes, we grow up and walk through life as adults, but the vast majority of our reactions stem from the scared, hurt, or confused child within us.

Understanding this helped me approach myself - and others - with so much more compassion and grace. When someone reacts strongly or irrationally, it’s most often their inner child seeking attention, safety, or validation. And when I find myself triggered, I now pause and ask, "What does that little girl in me need right now?" This perspective has transformed my relationships, my parenting, and the way I show up in the world. Truthfully, we’re all just little kids in grown-up bodies, doing the best we can with the tools we have. Recognising that truth has brought me greater empathy and peace - and it was this realisation that ultimately motivated me to pursue my qualification in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), so I could help others uncover and heal the childhood patterns that still influence their adult lives.







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