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#LifeLessons - Kim Bransdon

#LifeLessons - Kim Bransdon

NAME: Kim Bransdon

AGE: 54 years

JOB TITLE: Executive Development Coach and App founder

Kim Bransdon is an experienced and accredited Executive Development Coach and Mentor. She is the founder of Executive Coaching and Mentoring International, the Divorce Source App, and an international best-selling author.

Kim’s journey has taken her from Australia to Dubai, from corporate to start-up, toxic environments to now pursuing her goals and loving what she does. She has pretty much experienced it all personally too, pregnancy loss, IVF, hysterectomy, lost then found, bereavement, divorce, and was once a diva in the advertising world. Nothing surprises her.

Kim now works with clients who want more for themselves. Sometimes her clients know what that what they want and need help to get there and sometimes they do not know what is next and need help to find direction before setting an action plan. Her passion lies in helping her clients find clarity, focus and direction so they can live a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Kim gives her clients the confidence to believe in themselves, reduce their overwhelm, their anxieties and worries. The result is that they take intentional action, so that they do more, be more effective and achieve more.

Having travelled extensively, she incorporates a global perspective into her coaching, helping clients approach their challenges with fresh insights and broad perspective.

In her twenties, Kim thrived on a vibrant and fun-filled network, yet sometimes those connections didn’t align with her goals and, at times, held her back. This experience taught her the importance of intentionally selecting mentors, friends, and communities that aligned with her goals and aspirations. Surrounding herself with inspiring individuals and motivating friends has been a transformative and rewarding journey!

Kim’s thirties were defined by the corporate world, motherhood, and managing her marketing business. However, everything shifted in her early forties when she had to reinvent herself following the breakdown of her marriage.

Now, in her fabulous fifties, Kim is passionate about what she does, and living in Dubai has enriched that experience profoundly. She feels more alive and effective than ever, and her goal is to bottle the feeling and share it with others. The truth is, though, that embracing your authentic self is a deeply personal journey that you must embark on for yourself. It won’t happen overnight, but it is absolutely worth it, and Kim is the person who can help!

Let's hear about Kim's biggest life learnings to date:

#LIFELESSON – 1 Embrace Your Unique Journey:

I vividly recall in my twenties being asked, “What do you love doing?” My response was simple: “Shopping and helping people!” It felt like a whimsical hobby, not a career. It wasn’t until my forties that I realized—those passions are indeed valuable and viable.

So now, I extend that same inquiry to you: What do you truly love? What ignites your passion? Don’t hesitate - dive in and explore! It’s never too late for change. I’ve witnessed transformation in clients of all ages—from their twenties through their sixties. Remarkably, many of my older clients have made monumental shifts, stepping into new fields and achieving outstanding success by leaning into their passions and harnessing their unique strengths, skills, and life experiences.

Every person’s journey is distinct, intricately shaped by personal stories, cultural influences, and individual aspirations. It's vital to honour and celebrate your uniqueness rather than allowing comparisons to cloud your perceptions. Remember, most people are far too focused on their own lives to scrutinize yours.

So, take a moment to reflect: How well do you truly know yourself? What are your values? What are your goals? What progress have you made? What really matters to you? Who do you want to be?

Shift your focus toward your goals and the steps you’ve taken, no matter how small. This practice nurtures self-acceptance and has the power to inspire those around you.

And most importantly, celebrate your wins—big or small! Adopting a gratitude mindset and recognising your achievements fortifies your sense of self, combats feelings of imposter syndrome, and cultivates a positive outlook. This simple act of celebration can propel you toward realizing your dreams and living life to the fullest.

#LIFELESSON – 2 Invest in Your Well-being:

Prioritising your mental and physical health is not just essential; it is vital for your overall well-being and success. Building self-belief and confidence is the foundation for taking meaningful steps in your life. In the vibrant and fast-paced environment of Dubai, it’s all too easy to become engulfed by work demands and societal expectations. However, we must remember that self-care is not a luxury—it’s a necessity.

Engage in activities that nourish both your mind and body, whether it’s through fitness, hobbies that ignite your passion, or mindfulness practices that centre you. And consider investing in coaches that are right for you and who can help guide you toward heights you may not reach on your own. A healthy you is not only stronger but also more resilient, better equipped to navigate life’s challenges.

Reflecting on my own journey, I didn’t truly embrace this idea until my forties and fifties. I’ve struggled with emotional eating, often turning to food as a comfort during tumultuous times, working in toxic environments, facing legal battles and personal upheaval. During those moments, I lost sight of my values and, tragically, a part of myself. While I projected an image of confidence, friendliness, and fun, my mental and physical health suffered immensely.

The turning point came when I took the time to reconnect with my core values and identify what truly mattered to me. I made the conscious decision to hire a coach—actually, a couple of coaches—along with a personal trainer, and I built a robust support system. That’s when my journey of transformation began. I faced who I had become and started rediscovering who I am, learning to believe in myself again, and fully embracing life.

Now, I understand I am worth the investment! And so are you!

It’s interesting how easily we splurge on an expensive handbag, or a piece of jewellery or dinner out, yet hesitate to invest in ourselves for a more fulfilling life. When you are truly alive and thriving, you’ll find that these things fade in significance. The real treasure is the empowerment and joy that come from nurturing your well-being. Make that investment in you —your future self will thank you! You are worth it.

#LIFELESSON – 3 Build a Supportive Network:

One of the most crucial steps you can take on your journey is to seek out individuals who share your aspirations, values, and ambitions. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can profoundly influence your path and help you invest your time wisely.

We encounter countless well-meaning [but energy-draining] individuals throughout our lives, but the truth is we only have a limited amount of time in each day. Prioritising your time by spending time with those who uplift and inspire you can significantly alter your experience and propel you toward your goals.

To help my clients grasp the value of time, I often introduce an eye-opening exercise I call “Time Buckets.” This technique is particularly useful if you are considering starting a side hustle, pursuing education, balancing family life, and managing a busy career.

Begin by examining your week - start with just one day - 24 hours. Document everything you do, from sleeping and grooming to eating, exercising, working, walking the dog, picking up the kids, and preparing meals. Put the amount of time it takes beside each activity. Then tally up all the time these activities consume. The total will give you a clearer view of your day. After subtracting the total time from 24 hours, you’ll see exactly how much time you have left for starting a side hustle, taking on study, new friendships, or adding extra into your day. Clients tell me this exercise is a revelation, illuminating just how little time remains in each day and how they need to prioritise their days.

Making the effort to foster relationships with people who prioritise growth, collaboration, and empowerment is essential, particularly when we are wanting to make changes. While human connection and community are vital, it’s equally important to align yourself with those on similar trajectories. Seek out those who have already achieved the milestones you aspire to reach or who are on a parallel journey to yours.

Whether through professional networks, friendships, or community groups, having a supportive circle is a cornerstone of both personal and professional success.

Follow Kim for regular tips.

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