NAME: Medha Nanda
AGE: 47
JOB TITLE: Founder of Art be a Part
Medha is the founder of Art be a Part. Her journey started with one intention – giving back to the community. We all have something special inside us that can help others. We don’t need to search far and wide or rely on anyone else to make a difference—each of us has our own unique talents to give back. And when we share those talents, not only can we support ourselves, but we can also help the community and people around us. As Art be a Part, we are building a community of artists with the goal of bridging the gap between art and philanthropy, we support artists and through their artwork, we raise funds for our main initiative called SpArK (Special Art for Kids), in support of Dubai Cares for Unicef India, focusing on providing equitable education for children with special needs in India.
Let's learn about Medha's 3 biggest life learnings to-date:
#LIFELESSON – 1 - Giving Brings More Joy Than Receiving
There’s a special kind of pleasure that comes from giving. Receiving gifts or support is great, but giving back, paying forward brings a different level of joy. When you give, whether it’s time, kindness, or a little time, you connect with people around you and your community. It reminds you that you have the power to make an impact, big or small. The beautiful thing is, the more you give, the more fulfilled you feel, way beyond what you get from receiving. And it doesn’t have to be a big gesture; even small acts of kindness, like offering a listening ear or lending a hand, can mean the world to someone. Over time, you start thinking less about “What can I get?” and more about “How can I help?” And in doing that, you find a joy that’s much more lasting.
#LIFELESSON – 2 - Complaining Without Action Changes Nothing
We all get frustrated sometimes, and venting or complaining can feel good in the moment. But if all we do is complain without taking any action, nothing will improve. Complaints don’t fix things—only actions do. We are better off using that energy to actually make changes. Whatever the issue is, taking responsibility for it and finding small ways to make it better is way more effective than complaining about it.
#LIFELESSON – 3 - You Won’t Achieve Anything if You Don’t Try
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” It’s true, if we never try, we’ll never know what we’re capable of. It’s easy to get scared of failing or worry that we won’t be good enough, but if we let that fear stop us, we’re holding ourselves back from opportunities.
Even if things don’t go perfectly the first time, just trying teaches us so much. When we take that leap, we gain experience and confidence, and often learn what we need to know to do better next time. If you have something you want to do or achieve, take that first step. Don’t wait for the “perfect” time, and don’t let fear hold you back