NAME: Dana Elena Pascoe
AGE: 49
INSTAGRAM HANDLE: @dana.elena.m / @mumprenerus_uae
JOB TITLE: Start-up Business Coach and Consultant and Founder of Mumpreneurs UAE Community
Introducing Dana Elena, the multi-talented entrepreneur and coach who is dedicating her time to empowering women in the world of entrepreneurship. As an award-winning Start-Up coach, creator of the Mindful Mumpreneur System, and founder and owner of Mumpreneurs UAE, Dana has become a leading authority in coaching for mother entrepreneurs.
With her extensive experience as both a mother and an entrepreneur, as well as her expertise as a Certified Co-active Coach, Mental Fitness Coach, and Certified OKR Practitioner, Dana has developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by mother entrepreneurs. Through the Mindful Mumpreneur system, Dana empowers female entrepreneurs to transform their mindset and build a sustainable business foundation, resulting in confident, empowered moms who can thrive as businesswomen.
In addition to her coaching work, Dana is also the founder and owner of Mumpreneurs UAE, a community of entrepreneurs who are mothers. Through this platform, Dana provides a supportive environment for women to connect, share ideas, and support each other on their entrepreneurial journey.
Dana's unwavering commitment to helping women achieve their full potential has earned her numerous awards and accolades, making her a true leader and inspiration to others. Her innovative approach to coaching and her passion for entrepreneurship have made her a highly respected figure in the world of mother entrepreneurship across Dubai.
Let's discover a day in the life and world of Dana:
6:30 AM: I start the day by preparing my husband's lunch box, then head to the garden for some yoga or Pilates, or go for a run around the community.
8:00 AM: I walk my son to school—it's just next door, so we get to enjoy some hand-in-hand time. After dropping him off, I settle into my morning ritual: setting an intention for the day, a quiet meditation, and some journaling. Then it’s a shower and into my home office to get started.
10:00 AM: Mornings vary! I might be on a Zoom call with clients, running a workshop or networking event, posting on social media, or creating something for my business.
12:00 NOON: Still working, but I’ll take 30 minutes for lunch. In the past, I’d skip it to save time (or calories), but after dealing with burnout and working with a dietitian, I now take time away from my computer to refuel and recharge.
2:00 PM: I keep working, whether that’s meeting clients or developing content. By 3:00, I’m off to pick up my son, and we walk home hand-in-hand while he tells me about his day.
4:00 PM: Some days, I’m back at work, and other days, I take my son to an activity or meet friends for a playdate. By 5:30, we all sit down for family dinner. It’s a priority for us to eat together, share about our days, and listen to Yoto daily. Our nanny is a wonderful cook, and I make it a point to only miss one family dinner per week. On Fridays, my husband and I go out on a date—it’s usually low-key, but just enough for us to have time to ourselves.
6:00 PM: I might take my son for a walk around the community or go on my own, or sometimes, attend a webinar or pod call. Every other evening, I do bedtime with my son—our little “Mommy and Joe” time.
8:00 PM: Most evenings, it’s time with my husband, watching a movie or a show together. It’s our downtime and a moment for us to just relax.
9:00 PM: Most nights, I’m in bed by 9:00, since I start early. An early night really makes a difference.