NAME: Gitanjali Diwan
INSTAGRAM HANDLE: @pranahouse.me/@begoniaroad
JOB TITLE: Co-Founder Prana House Yoga Center LLC - CBT Certified, Reiki Master
MOVED TO THE UAE IN: November 2014
Gitanjali has lived and worked in 5 countries across 4 continents before settling in Dubai where she has been living, working and learning about how to juggle life while also embracing being a mum to a 10 year old daughter. Working in the Corporate world, starting a business and being a mother hasn’t stopped her from wanting to learn more about herself. Co-Founding Prana House has actually been one of the most terrifying, exhilarating, purposeful and gratifying paths she has ever been on. She says it has helped her not only continue on her own wellness and growth journey but it has also allowed her to help others discover theirs.
Today Gitanjali shares a typical day in her world with us:
5:45/6AM: This is the time of the day where I get a few moments to myself to start my day, light my incense stick, make my cup of coffee and enjoy a few mindful moments to set my daily intentions before the day takes over.
6-8AM: All about getting my daughter ready and off to school
9-9:30AM: Get to work – I have a full-time job as a project lead for a manufacturing business in Dubai which takes up the most of my day.
2:15 – 3:30PM: Collect my daughter from school/Have lunch with her on the days she’s available and not busy with her own schedule of after school classes and friends. If she’s busy it’s usually a Prana House working lunch.
6PM: Head home and get onto any calls/ on-going work for Prana House – admin/accounts/messages/follow ups/ events etc.
8PM: Dinner and I’m usually pretty done for the day by 9:30/10pm