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Other Women's Jobs // Kanupriya Saraf

Other Women's Jobs // Kanupriya Saraf

NAME: Kanupriya Saraf

INSTAGRAM HANDLE: @kanupriyasarafhealing

JOB TITLE: Healer and life mentor



Kanupriya Saraf is a highly skilled healer, life mentor and self-development expert. Even though she was introduced to spirituality, alternative medicine and ancient scriptures knowledge at a young age, it wasn't until she experienced chronic headaches, anxiety and life crisis, and nothing could help, that she truly dove deep into these subjects, trained formally under a healing master in the mountains of Philippines and underwent an initiation and shift in perception on life.


A psychoenergetics specialist (this combines psychology + energy science), she helps her clients heal from anxiety, depression, stress, migraines and back pain with side effects of any medications. Through her carefully curated Healplans and a unique approach in mentoring her clients, she has healed and helped high profile Indian families and top executives resolve health, family & business crisis.


Before Dubai, she has lived in India, U.K., Nigeria. She is also a certified gemologist and worked as a private wealth manager at Barclays with a degree in accounting and finance from Warwick Business School UK.


Apart from her interests in spirituality, health and wellness, she enjoys style and design, cooking for her friends and family, looking after her home, reading, writing and spending time outdoors in nature.


5:30AM: My alarm goes off. It’s quite easy for me to get up. I am a morning person. I sit up on bed for 10 minutes just to centre myself, process dreams, and intuitive downloads and organize my thoughts. I integrate my lessons and experiences of the previous day and set an intention for the current day.


6:00AM: I flow the energy with some breathing techniques and metabolic exercise and meditations. Sometimes I do a bit of writing.


7 AM: I exercise on most days of the week. I switch between yoga, pilates and gym.  My dog is normally up by now and I’ll play with him for sometime. I’ll see to the house while my domestic help updates me on anything that needs to be fixed, restock anything. I look after finances as well in the morning. I normally don’t like to do personal tasks once I get to work.


I drink beetroot, celery, ginger juice in the morning. It works wonders for my gut. I love a king size breakfast too. Sometimes I leave the news channel on so I can hear what’s happening it the world while I am tend to other tasks or play upbeat music to liven up the morning. I shower and get ready. I love to dress up! It makes me happy !


9:00 : I am ready to leave for work, or I may work from home. On my way I like to listen to the FM, it keeps me update to date with what’s happening in the city. Sometimes I attend networking events and skill development workshops.


10 – 1PM: As an entrepreneur, I look after so any aspects of my work. So, I keep the work day in a flow state and not overtly structured. I set goals on the tasks I want to finish on the day but leaving room for last minute things that I may have to look into. Apart from private sessions with clients, and being out and about doing events and workshops, networking, sales & building relationships, I spend a lot of time creating content for my social channels along with my marketing team. I also use morning time for any strategy discussion and internal team meetings.


1PM: Around this time, I eat lunch. I take a long break and walk around a bit or stretch, to clear up my mind. I use this time to even have moments of gratitude on all great things my life has given me, and audit my own behavior towards those around me. I get some of my best ideas and clarity when I do this.


2 PM – 5:30PM: I would normally set up any external meetings around this time and I love a coffee around 4ish in the afternoon. And if you give a gluten free chocolate cake with it, I am a happy woman. Again, I could be working with clients, conducting a group meditation, developing courses, improving procedures, designs, systems. There is a lot to do!


5:45 PM: I leave work. My day’s schedule is also dependent on my client sessions as normally I am open to private sessions till 8 pm at night and then I would just wrap up personal errands during the day.


6 PM: The moment I step into my home, I forget everything and play with my dog or take him out for a walk. I love home cooked meals, cook dinner and plan for the next day as well. With deep gratitude to my house help and to life itself, she helps me with chores and takes care of my home so it gives me ample time to do what I enjoy and practice self care. I’ll watch some Netflix and connect with a friend or relative around this time as well.


8PM: I do my night skincare and dental routine and sip on homemade ginger tea. It’s so good for digestion. I read a book. Sometimes I massage my feet and neck to ease any tension and get a restful sleep. It really helps just doing this for 5 minutes as well.


10:30PM: I’m tucked in bed, off to sleep.


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